According to this article, their gonna launch before fulfilling their promises of safety!
Published on April 18, 2005 By Hazylunarrain In Current Events
Nasa reports that they have done quite a few things toward making manned spaceflight as safe as possible, but do you really think merely changing a few attributes of the fuel tanks will keep people safe in flight. The reality is they have only addressed half of the issues that were found in the Columbia investigation. It's my humble opinion that instead of rushing back into space they should do what they SAID they would do and get it right BEFORE they send these highly trained people into space. I for one would not want to be the first one in the air after this horrible disaster if I knew NASA had only fixed half the problem! "Last week, an independent oversight group assigned to assess NASA's compliance postponed a key evaluation session because it believed shuttle managers were not prepared." Raises some questions doesn't it?

Fortunatly, they are being much more cautious then they used to and it would appear that due to some "problems" they have delayed the launch date for the time being, but who knows! This is NASA we're talking about. "Discovery's launch period extends until June 3. NASA would then have to consider launching in July." They are looking more at mid-April as a launch date, and have already moved the orbiter to the launchpad. Hopefully they don't launch an unsafe craft just to meet some silly deadline! no matter what they end up deciding to do, I wish them the absloute best of luck, and to the crew...

Godspeed Discovery crew.... Godspeed!

on Apr 18, 2005
While I hope they take every reasonable precaution for safety's sake, I hope they don't forget that there is no 100% safe way to travel anywhere (including space).

What I think is most disgusting is that we are still using the shuttle in the first place, and that we still rely on NASA for all things space related in this country. I mean, the shuttle is 1970s technology, there is better available, (both governmental and private) why are we using it?
on Apr 18, 2005
Interesting question! I would think it would be due to the expense of the new project? Naaaa... That was a stupid comment. No, not really, I mean after all, could you imagine what it would cost to build a shuttle like the one Disney created for their ride "Mission Space"? (AWESOME ride btw!!!) But you really make a good point. I mean, how likely was what happened (with the insulation falling off)? Who would have thought! I just keep wondering if theres not something their missing...
on Apr 27, 2005
Hmmm... I thought this would be more interesting to everyone!!
on Apr 27, 2005
Don't sweat it. Most my articles are pretty well read (judging by the numbers I get), but few get more than a handfull of replies. Replies aren't a very good indicator of general interest.