In my journeys around cyber space in search of answers to "What is blogging?" I have come across some interesting things. Most of which I liked... BUT: What the heck is this picture only blogging?
I mean, I have gone to sites expecting lots of things. I have expected politics... I have expected business news. I even came across a few written by "carnies". (which I used to be) But of all the things I expected... WHAT are these blogs, and blogsites, that are nothing but pictures? I mean... Come ON! Whats the point? I think if someone was going to post their pictures as blogs, there should be SOME kind of explaination of the pictures! At least a title? But no. All I see is a post of someone's pictures and nothing else. No posts, no comments, no propaganda. Nothing! I dunno, I just think if people are gonna post pictures there are better venues to do so besides a blog. Like an art site like deviantArt for example. If people are gonna waste my time with their silly pictures (someone's DOG for example) they should waste it when I want it wasted. Not when I'm looking for interesting STORIES. Some say pictures say a thousand words. I say in this sense they are a useless void trapped in my browser just to give me a headache.
I welcome your comments...