Whats the point?
Published on March 29, 2005 By Hazylunarrain In Blog Communities
In my journeys around cyber space in search of answers to "What is blogging?" I have come across some interesting things. Most of which I liked... BUT: What the heck is this picture only blogging?

I mean, I have gone to sites expecting lots of things. I have expected politics... I have expected business news. I even came across a few written by "carnies". (which I used to be) But of all the things I expected... WHAT are these blogs, and blogsites, that are nothing but pictures? I mean... Come ON! Whats the point? I think if someone was going to post their pictures as blogs, there should be SOME kind of explaination of the pictures! At least a title? But no. All I see is a post of someone's pictures and nothing else. No posts, no comments, no propaganda. Nothing! I dunno, I just think if people are gonna post pictures there are better venues to do so besides a blog. Like an art site like deviantArt for example. If people are gonna waste my time with their silly pictures (someone's DOG for example) they should waste it when I want it wasted. Not when I'm looking for interesting STORIES. Some say pictures say a thousand words. I say in this sense they are a useless void trapped in my browser just to give me a headache.

I welcome your comments...

on Mar 29, 2005
Some folks like to use their blog as "on demand" email. They post things that many others would spam their relative's inboxes with. Photo blogs often fall into this category. They really are not intended for the general public.
on Mar 29, 2005
What's an even bigger waste of time than picture blogs? Blogs bitching about picture blogs. Don't like them? Don't do one. Simple as that. Don't like them? Don't surf to them. Also simple.

Geez people are picky prots.
on Mar 29, 2005

What's a prot?
on Mar 29, 2005
Maybe they think a picture is equal to a thousand words
on Mar 30, 2005
Lmao. Good question. What is a prot?
on Mar 31, 2005
Sooooo.... Is anyone gonna tell us what the heck a "prot" is? I'm really interested!
on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.