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Mike's Place
How do I keep my kids off Google?
Published on March 14, 2005 By
I have a problem... I use a filter to keep my kids from seeing things on the net that they shouldn't. However, I find my middle son sitting in front of the computer doing searches and STILL getting nude pictures. I mean.. Some of these are kinda trashy! Can anyone help me find a way to block out google? Or am I doomed to failure?
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How do I keep my kids off Google?
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on Mar 25, 2005
If he is 14 years old, nothing except casturation will stop him from being a horny teenager. You can't police everything he does. Take away the internet , he will find other means of exploring his new hormones at work. There was no internet when I was 14 but I still found ways of seeing boobies.
on Mar 25, 2005
Lol, I guess you guys are right... I don't think he's doing it anymore. I guess if he really wants to he will. BUT, I talked with him and he said he won't do it anymore. So (knowing Cameron) I don' think he will. The more I think about it though, I would much rather him looking at pictures on the screen than having sex. When I weigh the two together it's kinda obvious which to choose. On reflection I think about how it was when I was a kid, and how controlling and repressive my parents were most of the time. And I saw myself doing the same thing. So... He's not the ONLY one who learned a lesson from all this. All in all... I don't WANT him to look at porn... Sooooo, why not make sure he knows what he's supposed to know about sex instead of finding out what he can, when he can from people who may not be teaching him things he should know? I don't think he has any questions left
. Hopefully he will make the right decisions when the time comes. But at least I know he knows the risks, etc.
on Mar 26, 2005
The real problem is not about your son looking at porn, but that he uses your household computer and your internet connection with your name on the ISP account to do it. Other methods of looking at porn, like reading Penthouse magazine etc. are probably a better substitute, since teenage boys will find porn wherever they can. It's forbidden fruit and only natural that they'll crave it.
On the issue of Internet browsing, not only will the problem of his visiting sites load your computer up with ActiveX controls,cookies, pictures, and various spyware. But it will bog down your internet connection, CPU, and harddrive with more junk and potentially open your computer up to a Trojan horse attack. Your arguement on this hazardous situation with your son should really be focused on the potential for identity theft, data loss, or corruption of your household computer. These reasons are enough for me to have him comply, or lose access to the computer/internet. Talking to your son about sex is all you can really do, and it sounds like you have already had that talk. Curiosity about female bodies is natural to most men, and he is learning how to do it right...LOL. You say he undestands and won't do it anymore, but warn him of the consequences of browsing the Internet for porn, and buy him a couple of girlie magazines if he really wants to see body parts. I hope it all works out for you.
on Apr 07, 2005
I'm sure he would love to have a few magazines! But you make a good point, I never thought of that stuff. Hell, I have come in here and even seen a new dial up connection to who the hell knows what in some other country! I'm pretty sure I don't have an ISP in Malaysia or what the crap ever! Anyhow, he very rarely messes with the com,puter now, and then mostly for cheats for his x-box. He knows someone has to be there, and just to be sure I have passwords on here to make Ft. Knox cry
on Apr 07, 2005
the best way is to live like that UNABOMBER dude..up on the hill and away from all the technology...as my HIPPY uncle always tell me...(not hippy from skinplant)advancement is always coupled with disadvantage..its always depend on how were gonna use it..positively or negatively...or something like that..cuz after that he would always laugh at the ants where his nachos are, after he blew them with a smoke from his filterless dobbie...just like me. i think im way out of what is being discuss
on Apr 07, 2005
the best way is to live like that UNABOMBER dude..up on the hill and away from all the technology...as my HIPPY uncle always tell me...(not hippy from skinplant)advancement is always coupled with disadvantage..its always depend on how were gonna use it..positively or negatively...or something like that..cuz after that he would always laugh at the ants where his nachos are, after he blew them with a smoke from his filterless dobbie...just like me. i think im way out of what is being discuss
on Mar 06, 2006
When i caught my 12 yr old looking at porn i wasnt suprised at all, his mother on the other hand ... anyway Hazylunarrain i wouldnt worry to much, take it as a father of 3 boys, 8, 12, and 15, as well as being a big kid myself, your boy is only exploring. most guys have gone thru their dads stack of nudie books or watched a porn moive. its part of trying to work out what the hell all these hormones are doing to his body. dont think for a sec that i let him off the hook. he lost his comp privilege for an entire month, and recived a long talking to, from both me and his mother. haveing since learned his lession, and ive checked his comp from top to bottom, he is still a pretty good kid. a lil porn can be a "healthy" milestone for a boy, like a 1st kiss would be for you i guess. all we can do as parents is watch them grow into the fine young men and women we helped them learn to become. the hardest part is stopping and thinking what it was like for us when we were that age, but once we do that we can come to understand again what it was like when EVERYTHING was "the end of the world" you sound like your doing a fine job rasieing your boy and good luck to you, me and all the other parents out there. god knows there can be worse things in the world than a few nudie pics.
on Mar 07, 2006
Quick heads up....this thread is a year old...
on Mar 07, 2006
lmao...no offense...but what kid has never looked at porn or browsed a few sites to see it...its a right of passage for guys.
Like Donkinator said...the thing to be most concerned about would be identity theft and things of that nature, or one of those sites attaching a phone dialer and you ending up with a $2000 phone bill. Try using WinSpy to keep track of where your pc has been.
on Mar 10, 2006
jafo: can't happen with me, we have wireless and my parents don't know how to use it. They want the net too anyway!
on Mar 10, 2006
....just a thought on a possible deterrent if you have a webcam. Tell your kids that the webcam is set to video capture, and their 'porn activities/behaviour' could make for some embarassing viewing later on.
Yeah, it can be a problem keeping your kids away from porn, and not just the boys, either. Given recent experience, I also think that much of it depends on who your kids associate with, and what kind of 'real world' influences they come into contact with. If a kid is 'going solo' and being discreet, it most often amounts to little more than satisfying a curiosity and self relief. It's when they become involved with the 'wrong type' of people and are inappropriately encouraged that they stray into far less disirable activities and get into trouble.
Having raised 3 kids, a boy and 2 girls, I've been through this with each of them and found issues only ever arose when they began to mix with the 'wrong element' and were led further astray by peer group pressure and the 'safety in numbers' mentality.
Obviously it comes down to monitoring what they view on the internet and parental guidance/education, but vigilance with regards to their associations is also important. I knew my son was looking at porn, and yeah, it nigh on impossible to stop him, but the troubles only began when he started running with a slightly older crowd who prompted him to behave in ways he would not have had the courage to do alone.....but in all honesty, the girls were my greatest concern, and one still is. They tended to be more vulnerable to peer group pressure/unsavoury influences, as fitting in/being accepted seemed to be more important to them.
For example, to fit in with the 'in crowd', my 15 yo stepdaughter ran away from home to be with those we disapproved of and is now 3 months pregnant to a 28 yo man we forbade her to see......
Worse still, we cannot get the relevant authorities to act accordingly, and thus, we've had to resort to taking legal action through the courts to better protect her interests....given the 'so-called Department of Families' has irresponsibly assigned her every adult right and stripped us of all parental responsibilities without a court order to do so.
Of course we must be concerned with child porn/exploitation and what our children are exposed to, but we should have equal concern with regards to the legislators and legal eagles who advocate children as young as 10 being emancipated and/or divorcing their parents to avoid the rules and do as they please.
Sorry if I went a bit off topic there, but it angers me so much that there are so many homeless children, who need not be, but are because governments allow them to be so to behave in socially unacceptable ways, simply because the rules at home no longer suit them.....which leads back to the porn and prostitution, etc.
When loose on the streets, our kids are more exposed, and therefore more prone, vulnerable to exploitation/porn/child porn/prostitution, etc.
The producers of the porn our children view are not our only enemies....the authorities who sanction the emancipation of minors and then support them are equally our enemies, if not moreso.
on Mar 10, 2006
Quick heads up....this thread is a year old...
on Mar 11, 2006
Quick heads up....this thread is a year old...
So it may be...and apologies for my 'belated' contribution. However, dates can be overlooked in articles of interest, and often are by many.....so when memory of date of origin fails and one is
taken to post a few hours old, threads can appear to be current/ongoing.
on Mar 11, 2006
on Dec 22, 2006
you can install software "NetDog Porn Filter" ( http://www.netdogsoft.com ), and add the url "google.com" to the "always blocked website list", it's very easy
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