Published on March 14, 2005 By Hazylunarrain In Google
I have a problem... I use a filter to keep my kids from seeing things on the net that they shouldn't. However, I find my middle son sitting in front of the computer doing searches and STILL getting nude pictures. I mean.. Some of these are kinda trashy! Can anyone help me find a way to block out google? Or am I doomed to failure?
Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 21, 2005
Well at my school theres this filter called Bess. So yeah.

Umm... If you go to a differnet port, (which mst serers have, you can get around Bess very easily. I made a Flash MX thig that my schol didn't like, there wasn't anything bad, except for a couplle dozen raccoons eatig a stick guy (poor quality). My Nerd frends got me to it by typing some port # or another. It wasn't hard. Also, there was this thig that put a frame on the page, so you could go anywhere.
on Mar 21, 2005
My father was a network administrator at Ft.Hood, TX before he passed away, and he told me porn was the biggest problem there too. Strange, eh? I hope you figure out a way to stay a step ahead of your young uns, because Lord knows they can be some devious little buggers.
on Mar 22, 2005
Yeah... Most of the time I think they do it just to spite me. I love them to death, but sometimes I wanna make that literal lmao. But nooo... They way I look at it now, is if he's using his skills to "outdo" me then hopefully he'll do so in the future as well! (more positivly that is)
on Mar 23, 2005
Is a parter to this site? If not how and why do they have this exact forum with the same posts?
on Mar 23, 2005
o nvm Hazylunarrain is a member to joeuser so they took mike's post from here.
on Mar 24, 2005
Yeah.. Thats what happened. And btw... How did you know my name is Mike? I feel so
on Mar 24, 2005
I found it on JoeUser..ur page is called "Mikes Page" or something like that.
on Mar 24, 2005
Yeah, I tried to change it to the same thing I have it set here at WinCustomize... But I haven't found how to yet. I like "Palace of Hazylunarrain" much better.
on Mar 24, 2005
on Mar 24, 2005
If you want to block search engines, you might as well disallow the internet, period.

Only blocking certain sites is NOT effective punishment -- it's a stopgap until he finds a new way around your measures, at which point he will be MORE reinforced for subverting you.

If you actually want to stop the behavior, don't let him use the internet for a month or two. Keep monitoring him when his punishment's over. Reinforce him whenever he uses his time --- internet and otherwise --- constructively.

And most importantly, figure out the weakness in your parenting that made porn seem like a worthwhile risk to him. Tell him what it was. Explain to him the real reasons why he shouldn't be looking at porn. ("Because I say so" is NOT good enough. You need to be building credibility, not depleting it further.)

Come to a calm, honest, loving agreement with him about his internet usage. If he breaks that, you've got WAY bigger problems than internet porn.
on Mar 24, 2005
HEY! don't diss porn... some of its pretty good. as a kid (13 years old) I can say that us kids look at porn, because to us it is the best thing in the world (at our age, if we see it in real life, then, well...) so, if ur kid has seen it, let him see it, brag about it, and itl just die out, rather than restrict him. if you restrict him, he will just try harder to 'thwart' you and look and it, and ull over-emphazize the entire thing. know what im saying?

the best thing... (its working on me right now, im embarrassed as hell about it, oh well) catch him in the act, when hes "doing something" with the porn (masturbating) and threaten to tell everybody. in time, tell as many people as possible, and rub it in. (it works.)
on Mar 24, 2005
and yes, you will be doomed to failure. stomp out google, then start on all other 3 million search sites.
on Mar 24, 2005
yep, keep this in mind when your internet bank account suddenly decreases, and the kid arrives home driving a fancy corvette convertible

lol, true. true.
on Mar 24, 2005


Remove the modem.

Until they agree to not abuse the Internet access privilege.....

on Mar 25, 2005
amen to that jafo..the obvious
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